aizkolari berriak

fRases tRascendentales

Caminos ...

Caminos ... "No siempre el camino mas corto es el mas rapido".


Mira en tu interior ...

Mira en tu interior ... "La batalla mas dura en esta vida es enfrentarse a uno mismo y salir victorioso"


Interconexiones ...

Interconexiones ... "No puedes pretender cambiar las cosas que no dependen de ti, o si?"


La pastilla roja ...

La pastilla roja ... "Porque tomaria la pastilla azul en vez de la roja?"


I thought what I'd do was ...

I thought what I'd do was ... "I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody'd think I was just a poor deaf mute bastard and they'd leave me alone..."

Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger